Source code for cltk.dependency.processes

"""``Process`` classes for accessing the Stanza project."""

from copy import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Literal, Optional

import spacy
import stanza
from boltons.cacheutils import cachedproperty

from cltk.core.data_types import Doc, MorphosyntacticFeature, Process, Word
from cltk.dependency.spacy_wrapper import SpacyWrapper
from cltk.dependency.stanza_wrapper import StanzaWrapper
from cltk.dependency.tree import DependencyTree
from cltk.morphology.morphosyntax import (

[docs]@dataclass class StanzaProcess(Process): """A ``Process`` type to capture everything that the ``stanza`` project can do for a given language. .. note:: ``stanza`` has only partial functionality available for some languages. >>> from cltk.languages.example_texts import get_example_text >>> process_stanza = StanzaProcess(language="lat") >>> isinstance(process_stanza, StanzaProcess) True >>> from stanza.models.common.doc import Document >>> output_doc ="lat"))) >>> isinstance(output_doc.stanza_doc, Document) True """ language: str = None @cachedproperty def algorithm(self): return StanzaWrapper.get_nlp(language=self.language)
[docs] def run(self, input_doc: Doc) -> Doc: output_doc = copy(input_doc) stanza_wrapper = self.algorithm if output_doc.normalized_text: input_text = output_doc.normalized_text else: input_text = output_doc.raw stanza_doc = stanza_wrapper.parse(input_text) cltk_words = self.stanza_to_cltk_word_type(stanza_doc) output_doc.words = cltk_words output_doc.stanza_doc = stanza_doc return output_doc
[docs] @staticmethod def stanza_to_cltk_word_type(stanza_doc): """Take an entire ``stanza`` document, extract each word, and encode it in the way expected by the CLTK's ``Word`` type. >>> from cltk.dependency.processes import StanzaProcess >>> from cltk.languages.example_texts import get_example_text >>> process_stanza = StanzaProcess(language="lat") >>> cltk_words ="lat"))).words >>> isinstance(cltk_words, list) True >>> isinstance(cltk_words[0], Word) True >>> cltk_words[0] Word(index_char_start=None, index_char_stop=None, index_token=0, index_sentence=0, string='Gallia', pos=noun, lemma='Gallia', stem=None, scansion=None, xpos='A1|grn1|casA|gen2', upos='NOUN', dependency_relation='nsubj', governor=1, features={Case: [nominative], Gender: [feminine], InflClass: [ind_eur_a], Number: [singular]}, category={F: [neg], N: [pos], V: [neg]}, stop=None, named_entity=None, syllables=None, phonetic_transcription=None, definition=None) """ words_list: list[Word] = list() for sentence_index, sentence in enumerate(stanza_doc.sentences): sent_words: dict[int, Word] = dict() indices: list[tuple[int, int]] = list() for token_index, token in enumerate(sentence.tokens): stanza_word: stanza.pipeline.doc.Word = token.words[0] # TODO: Figure out how to handle the token indexes, esp 0 (root) and None (?) pos: Optional[MorphosyntacticFeature] = None if stanza_word.pos: pos = from_ud("POS", stanza_word.pos) cltk_word = Word( index_token=int( - 1, # subtract 1 from id b/c Stanza starts their index at 1 index_sentence=sentence_index, string=stanza_word.text, # same as ``token.text`` pos=pos, xpos=stanza_word.xpos, upos=stanza_word.upos, lemma=stanza_word.lemma if stanza_word.lemma else stanza_word.text, dependency_relation=stanza_word.deprel, governor=stanza_word.head - 1 if stanza_word.head else -1, # note: if val becomes ``-1`` then no governor, ie word is root ) # convert UD features to the normalized CLTK features raw_features = ( [tuple(f.split("=")) for f in stanza_word.feats.split("|")] if stanza_word.feats else [] ) cltk_features = [ from_ud(feature_name, feature_value) for feature_name, feature_value in raw_features ] cltk_word.features = MorphosyntacticFeatureBundle(*cltk_features) cltk_word.category = to_categorial(cltk_word.pos) cltk_word.stanza_features = stanza_word.feats # sent_words[cltk_word.index_token] = cltk_word words_list.append(cltk_word) # # TODO: Fix this, I forget what we were tracking in this # indices.append( # ( # int(stanza_word.governor) # - 1, # -1 to match CLTK Word.index_token # int(stanza_word.parent_token.index) # - 1, # -1 to match CLTK Word.index_token # ) # ) # # TODO: Confirm that cltk_word.parent is ever getting filled out. Only for some lang models? # for idx, cltk_word in enumerate(sent_words.values()): # governor_index, parent_index = indices[idx] # type: int, int # cltk_word.governor = governor_index if governor_index >= 0 else None # if cltk_word.index_token != sent_words[parent_index].index_token: # cltk_word.parent = parent_index return words_list
[docs]@dataclass class GreekStanzaProcess(StanzaProcess): """Stanza processor for Ancient Greek.""" language: str = "grc" description: str = "Default process for Stanza for the Ancient Greek language." authorship_info: str = "``LatinSpacyProcess`` using Stanza model by Stanford University from . Please cite:"
[docs]@dataclass class LatinStanzaProcess(StanzaProcess): """Stanza processor for Latin.""" language: str = "lat" description: str = "Default process for Stanza for the Latin language."
[docs]@dataclass class OCSStanzaProcess(StanzaProcess): """Stanza processor for Old Church Slavonic.""" language: str = "chu" description: str = ( "Default process for Stanza for the Old Church Slavonic language." )
[docs]@dataclass class OldFrenchStanzaProcess(StanzaProcess): """Stanza processor for Old French.""" language: str = "fro" description: str = "Default process for Stanza for the Old French language."
[docs]@dataclass class GothicStanzaProcess(StanzaProcess): """Stanza processor for Gothic.""" language: str = "got" description: str = "Default process for Stanza for the Gothic language."
[docs]@dataclass class CopticStanzaProcess(StanzaProcess): """Stanza processor for Coptic.""" language: str = "cop" description: str = "Default process for Stanza for the Coptic language."
[docs]@dataclass class ChineseStanzaProcess(StanzaProcess): """Stanza processor for Classical Chinese.""" language: str = "lzh" description: str = "Default process for Stanza for the Classical Chinese language."
[docs]class TreeBuilderProcess(Process): """A ``Process`` that takes a doc containing sentences of CLTK words and returns a dependency tree for each sentence. TODO: JS help to make this work, illustrate better. >>> from cltk import NLP >>> nlp = NLP(language="got", suppress_banner=True) >>> from cltk.dependency.processes import TreeBuilderProcess >>> nlp.pipeline.add_process(TreeBuilderProcess) # doctest: +SKIP >>> from cltk.languages.example_texts import get_example_text # doctest: +SKIP >>> doc = nlp.analyze(text=get_example_text("got")) # doctest: +SKIP >>> len(doc.trees) # doctest: +SKIP 4 """
[docs] def algorithm(self, doc): doc.trees = [DependencyTree.to_tree(sentence) for sentence in doc.sentences] return doc
[docs]@dataclass class SpacyProcess(Process): """A ``Process`` type to capture everything, that the ``spaCy`` project can do for a given language. .. note:: ``spacy`` has only partial functionality available for some languages. >>> from cltk.languages.example_texts import get_example_text >>> process_spacy = SpacyProcess(language="lat") >>> isinstance(process_spacy, SpacyProcess) True # >>> from spacy.models.common.doc import Document # >>> output_doc ="lat"))) # >>> isinstance(output_doc.spacy_doc, Document) True """ # language: Optional[str] = None @cachedproperty def algorithm(self): return SpacyWrapper.get_nlp(language=self.language)
[docs] def run(self, input_doc: Doc) -> Doc: output_doc = copy(input_doc) spacy_wrapper = self.algorithm if output_doc.normalized_text: input_text = output_doc.normalized_text else: input_text = output_doc.raw spacy_doc = spacy_wrapper.parse(input_text) cltk_words = self.spacy_to_cltk_word_type(spacy_doc) output_doc.words = cltk_words output_doc.spacy_doc = spacy_doc return output_doc
[docs] @staticmethod def spacy_to_cltk_word_type(spacy_doc: spacy.tokens.doc.Doc): """Take an entire ``spacy`` document, extract each word, and encode it in the way expected by the CLTK's ``Word`` type. It works only if there is some sentence boundaries has been set by the loaded model. See note in code about starting word token index at 1 >>> from cltk.dependency.processes import SpacyProcess >>> from cltk.languages.example_texts import get_example_text >>> process_spacy = SpacyProcess(language="lat") >>> cltk_words ="lat"))).words >>> isinstance(cltk_words, list) True >>> isinstance(cltk_words[0], Word) True >>> cltk_words[0] Word(index_char_start=0, index_char_stop=6, index_token=0, index_sentence=0, string='Gallia', pos=None, lemma='Gallia', stem=None, scansion=None, xpos='proper_noun', upos='PROPN', dependency_relation='nsubj', governor=None, features={}, category={}, stop=False, named_entity=None, syllables=None, phonetic_transcription=None, definition=None) """ words_list: list[Word] = [] for sentence_index, sentence in enumerate(spacy_doc.doc.sents): sent_words: dict[int, Word] = {} for spacy_word in sentence: pos: Optional[MorphosyntacticFeature] = None if spacy_word.pos_: pos = from_ud("POS", spacy_word.pos_) cltk_word = Word( # Note: In order to match how Stanza orders token output # (index starting at 1, not 0), we must add an extra 1 to each index_token=spacy_word.i + 1, index_char_start=spacy_word.idx, index_char_stop=spacy_word.idx + len(spacy_word), index_sentence=sentence_index, string=spacy_word.text, # same as ``token.text`` pos=pos, xpos=spacy_word.tag_, upos=spacy_word.pos_, lemma=spacy_word.lemma_, dependency_relation=spacy_word.dep_, # str stop=spacy_word.is_stop, # Note: Must increment this, too governor=spacy_word.head.i + 1, # TODO: Confirm this is the index ) raw_features: list[tuple[str, str]] = ( [ (feature, value) for feature, value in spacy_word.morph.to_dict().items() ] if spacy_word.morph else [] ) cltk_features = [ from_ud(feature_name, feature_value) for feature_name, feature_value in raw_features ] cltk_word.features = MorphosyntacticFeatureBundle(*cltk_features) cltk_word.category = to_categorial(cltk_word.pos) cltk_word.spacy_features = spacy_word.morph sent_words[cltk_word.index_token] = cltk_word words_list.append(cltk_word) return words_list
[docs]@dataclass class LatinSpacyProcess(SpacyProcess): """Run a Spacy model. <>_ """ language: Literal["lat"] = "lat" description: str = "Process for Spacy for Patrick Burn's Latin model." authorship_info: str = "``LatinSpacyProcess`` using LatinCy model by Patrick Burns from . Please cite:"