Source code for cltk.stem.akk

"""Stemmer for Akkadian."""

__author__ = ["M. Willis Monroe <>"]
__license__ = "MIT License. See LICENSE."

from typing import Union

AKK_END_TYPES = dict[str, dict[str, Union[str, list[str], dict[str, str]]]]
    "m": {
        "singular": {"nominative": "um", "accusative": "am", "genitive": "im"},
        "dual": {"nominative": "ān", "oblique": "īn"},
        "plural": {"nominative": "ū", "oblique": "ī"},
    "f": {
        "singular": {"nominative": "tum", "accusative": "tam", "genitive": "tim"},
        "dual": {"nominative": "tān", "oblique": "tīn"},
        "plural": {
            "nominative": ["ātum", "ētum", "ītum"],
            "oblique": ["ātim", "ētim", "ītum"],

[docs]def stem(noun: str, gender: str, mimation: bool = True) -> str: """ Return the stem of a noun, given a declined form and its gender >>> stem("šarrū", 'm') 'šarr' """ stem = "" if mimation and noun[-1:] == "m": # noun = noun[:-1] # TODO what should we do here? pass # Take off ending if gender == "m": if noun[-2:] in list(AKKADIAN_ENDINGS["m"]["singular"].values()) + list( AKKADIAN_ENDINGS["m"]["dual"].values() ): stem = noun[:-2] elif noun[-1] in list(AKKADIAN_ENDINGS["m"]["plural"].values()): stem = noun[:-1] else: # we don't recognize the ending, so return the noun. stem = noun elif gender == "f": if ( noun[-4:] in AKKADIAN_ENDINGS["f"]["plural"]["nominative"] + AKKADIAN_ENDINGS["f"]["plural"]["oblique"] ): stem = noun[:-4] + "t" elif noun[-3:] in list(AKKADIAN_ENDINGS["f"]["singular"].values()) + list( AKKADIAN_ENDINGS["f"]["dual"].values() ): stem = noun[:-3] + "t" elif noun[-2:] in list(AKKADIAN_ENDINGS["m"]["singular"].values()) + list( AKKADIAN_ENDINGS["m"]["dual"].values() ): stem = noun[:-2] else: # we don't recognize the ending, so return the noun. stem = noun else: stem = noun return stem