Source code for cltk.stem.processes

"""Processes for stemming.

from copy import copy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any

import cltk.stem.akk
import cltk.stem.enm
import cltk.stem.fro
import cltk.stem.gmh
from cltk.core.data_types import Doc, Process

[docs]@dataclass class StemmingProcess(Process): """To be inherited for each language's stemming declarations. Example: ``StemmingProcess`` -> ``LatinStemmingProcess`` >>> from cltk.stem.processes import StemmingProcess >>> from cltk.core.data_types import Process >>> issubclass(StemmingProcess, Process) True """
[docs] def run(self, input_doc: Doc) -> Doc: stem: Any = self.algorithm output_doc: Doc = copy(input_doc) for word in output_doc.words: word.stem = stem(word.string) return output_doc
[docs]class LatinStemmingProcess(StemmingProcess): """The default Latin stemming algorithm. >>> from cltk.core.data_types import Process, Pipeline >>> from cltk.tokenizers import LatinTokenizationProcess >>> from cltk.languages.example_texts import get_example_text >>> from cltk.languages.utils import get_lang >>> from cltk.nlp import NLP >>> pipe = Pipeline(description="A custom Latin pipeline", processes=[LatinTokenizationProcess, LatinStemmingProcess], language=get_lang("lat")) >>> nlp = NLP(language='lat', custom_pipeline = pipe, suppress_banner=True) >>> nlp(get_example_text("lat")[:23]).stems ['Gall', 'est', 'omn', 'divis'] """ description = "Default stemmer for the Latin language."
[docs] @staticmethod def algorithm(word: str) -> str: return
[docs]class MiddleEnglishStemmingProcess(StemmingProcess): """The default Middle English stemming algorithm. >>> from cltk.core.data_types import Process, Pipeline >>> from cltk.tokenizers import MiddleEnglishTokenizationProcess >>> from cltk.languages.example_texts import get_example_text >>> from cltk.languages.utils import get_lang >>> from cltk.nlp import NLP >>> pipe = Pipeline(description="A custom Middle English pipeline", \ processes=[MiddleEnglishTokenizationProcess, MiddleEnglishStemmingProcess], \ language=get_lang("enm")) >>> nlp = NLP(language='enm', custom_pipeline = pipe, suppress_banner=True) >>> nlp(get_example_text("enm")[:29]).stems ['Whil', ',', 'as', 'olde', 'stor', 'lle'] """ description = "Default stemmer for the Middle English language."
[docs] @staticmethod def algorithm(word: str) -> str: return cltk.stem.enm.stem(word)
[docs]class MiddleHighGermanStemmingProcess(StemmingProcess): """The default Middle High German stemming algorithm. >>> from cltk.core.data_types import Process, Pipeline >>> from cltk.tokenizers import MiddleHighGermanTokenizationProcess >>> from cltk.languages.example_texts import get_example_text >>> from cltk.languages.utils import get_lang >>> from cltk.nlp import NLP >>> pipe = Pipeline(description="A custom MHG pipeline", \ processes=[MiddleHighGermanTokenizationProcess, MiddleHighGermanStemmingProcess], \ language=get_lang("gmh")) >>> nlp = NLP(language='gmh', custom_pipeline = pipe, suppress_banner=True) >>> nlp(get_example_text("gmh")[:29]).stems ['uns', 'ist', 'in', 'alten', 'mær', 'wund'] """ description = "Default stemmer for the Middle High German language."
[docs] @staticmethod def algorithm(word: str) -> str: return cltk.stem.gmh.stem(word)
[docs]class OldFrenchStemmingProcess(StemmingProcess): """The default Old French stemming algorithm. >>> from cltk.core.data_types import Process, Pipeline >>> from cltk.tokenizers import OldFrenchTokenizationProcess >>> from cltk.languages.example_texts import get_example_text >>> from cltk.languages.utils import get_lang >>> from cltk.nlp import NLP >>> pipe = Pipeline(description="A custom Old French pipeline", \ processes=[OldFrenchTokenizationProcess, OldFrenchStemmingProcess], \ language=get_lang("fro")) >>> nlp = NLP(language='fro', custom_pipeline = pipe, suppress_banner=True) >>> nlp(get_example_text("fro")[:29]).stems ['un', 'aventu', 'vos', 'voil', 'di', 'mo'] """ description = "Default stemmer for the Old French language."
[docs] @staticmethod def algorithm(word: str) -> str: return cltk.stem.fro.stem(word)