Source code for cltk.text.akk

import re
from re import Match
from typing import Optional
from unicodedata import normalize

__author__ = ["Andrew Deloucas <>"]
__license__ = "MIT License. See LICENSE."

VOWELS: str = "aeiouAEIOU"
TITTLES: dict[str, str] = {
    r"s,": chr(0x1E63),
    r"sz": chr(0x0161),
    r"t,": chr(0x1E6D),
    r"'": chr(0x02BE),
    r"S,": chr(0x1E62),
    r"SZ": chr(0x0160),
    r"T,": chr(0x1E6C),

[docs]def _convert_consonant(sign: str) -> str: """Uses dictionary to replace ATF convention for unicode characters. >>> signs = ["as,", "S,ATU", "tet,", "T,et", "sza", "ASZ"] >>> [_convert_consonant(s) for s in signs] ['aṣ', 'ṢATU', 'teṭ', 'Ṭet', 'ša', 'AŠ'] """ for key in TITTLES: sign = sign.replace(key, TITTLES[key]) return sign
[docs]def _convert_number_to_subscript(num: int) -> str: """Converts number into subscript. >>> signs = ["a", "a1", "be2", "bad3", "buru14"] >>> [_get_number_from_sign(s)[1] for s in signs] [0, 1, 2, 3, 14] """ subscript: str = "" for character in str(num): subscript += chr(0x2080 + int(character)) return subscript
[docs]def _get_number_from_sign(sign: str) -> tuple[str, int]: """Captures numbers after sign for __convert_num__. input = ["a", "a1", "be2", "bad3", "buru14"] output = [0, 1, 2, 3, 14] :param sign: string :return: string, integer """ match: Match[str] ="\d{1,3}$", sign) number: Optional[int] = None if match is None: number = 0 else: number = match[0] return sign, int(number)
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
[docs]class ATFConverter: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """Class to convert tokens to unicode. Transliterates ATF data from CDLI into readable unicode. sz = š s, = ṣ t, = ṭ ' = ʾ Sign values for 2-3 take accent aigu and accent grave standards, otherwise signs are printed as subscript. For in depth reading on ATF-formatting for CDLI and ORACC: Oracc ATF Primer = primer/index.html ATF Structure = primer/structuretutorial/index.html ATF Inline = primer/inlinetutorial/index.html """ def __init__(self, two_three: bool = True): """ :param two_three: turns on or off accent marking. """ self.two_three: bool = two_three
[docs] def _convert_num(self, sign: str) -> str: """ Converts number registered in get_number_from_sign. """ # Check if there's a number at the end new_sign, num = _get_number_from_sign(sign) if num < 2: # "ab" -> "ab" return new_sign.replace(str(num), _convert_number_to_subscript(num)) if num > 3: # "buru14" -> "buru₁₄" return new_sign.replace(str(num), _convert_number_to_subscript(num)) if self.two_three: # pylint: disable=no-else-return return new_sign.replace(str(num), _convert_number_to_subscript(num)) else: # "bad3" -> "bàd" for i, character in enumerate(new_sign): new_vowel = "" if character in VOWELS: if num == 2: # noinspection PyUnusedLocal new_vowel = character + chr(0x0301) elif num == 3: new_vowel = character + chr(0x0300) break return ( new_sign[:i] + normalize("NFC", new_vowel) + new_sign[i + 1 :].replace(str(num), "") )
[docs] def process(self, tokens: list[str]) -> list[str]: """ Expects a list of tokens, will return the list converted from ATF format to print-format. >>> c = ATFConverter() >>> c.process(["a", "a2", "a3", "geme2", "bad3", "buru14"]) ['a', 'a₂', 'a₃', 'geme₂', 'bad₃', 'buru₁₄'] """ return [self._convert_num(_convert_consonant(token)) for token in tokens]