Source code for cltk.phonology.non.utils

"""To define sounds, phonetic rules for phonetic transcription.

import re
from enum import Enum, auto

from cltk.core.cltk_logger import logger

__author__ = ["Clément Besnier <>"]

[docs]class AutoName(Enum): def _generate_next_value_(name, a, b, d): return name
# Definition of consonants
[docs]class Manner(AutoName): nasal = auto() stop = auto() lateral = auto() fricative = auto() trill = auto() spirant = auto() affricate = auto() approximant = auto()
[docs]class Place(AutoName): bilabial = auto() labio_dental = auto() dental = auto() alveolar = auto() post_alveolar = auto() retroflex = auto() palatal = auto() velar = auto() uvular = auto() glottal = auto()
[docs]class AbstractConsonant: """ Used with AbstractPosition to define an environment of a sound """ def __init__(self, place=None, manner=None, voiced=None, ipar=None, geminate=None): if isinstance(place, Place) or place is None: = place else: logger.error("Incorrect argument") if isinstance(manner, Manner) or manner is None: self.manner = manner else: logger.error("Incorrect argument") raise ValueError if type(voiced) == bool or voiced is None: self.voiced = voiced else: logger.error("Incorrect argument") raise TypeError if type(geminate) == bool or geminate is None: self.geminate = geminate else: logger.error("Incorrect argument") raise TypeError self.ipar = ipar def __str__(self): return self.ipar
[docs]class Consonant(AbstractConsonant): """A `consonant <>`_ is defined mostly by the its place (where in the vocal tract the obstruction of the consonant occurs, and which speech organs are involved), its manner how air escapes from the vocal tract when the consonant or approximant (vowel-like) sound is made), by if it is voiced or not, its length (if it is geminate). An IPA standard is at: <>_. """ def __init__(self, place, manner, voiced, ipar, geminate): assert place is not None assert manner is not None assert voiced is not None assert ipar is not None assert geminate is not None AbstractConsonant.__init__(self, place, manner, voiced, ipar, geminate)
[docs] def match(self, abstract_consonant: AbstractConsonant) -> bool: """ A real consonant matches an abstract consonant if and only if the required features of the abstract consonant are also features of the real consonant. :param abstract_consonant: AbstractConsonant :return: bool """ if isinstance(abstract_consonant, AbstractConsonant): res = True if is not None: res = res and == if abstract_consonant.manner is not None: res = res and abstract_consonant.manner == self.manner if abstract_consonant.voiced is not None: res = res and abstract_consonant.voiced == self.voiced if abstract_consonant.geminate is not None: res = res and abstract_consonant.geminate == self.geminate return res elif abstract_consonant is None: return True else: return False
[docs] def match_list(self, abstract_consonant_list): if type(abstract_consonant_list) == list: if len(abstract_consonant_list) == 0: return True else: res = False for ac in abstract_consonant_list: if isinstance(ac, AbstractConsonant): res = self.match(ac) or res return res else: return False
[docs] def lengthen(self): """ :return: a new lengthened Consonant """ geminate = True if not self.geminate: ipar = self.ipar + "ː" else: ipar = self.ipar return Consonant(, self.manner, self.voiced, ipar, geminate)
[docs] def to_abstract(self): return AbstractConsonant(, self.manner, self.voiced, self.ipar, self.geminate )
def __add__(self, other): return Consonant(, self.manner, self.voiced, self.ipar + other.ipar, False ) def __str__(self): return self.ipar __repr__ = __str__
[docs] def is_equal(self, other_consonnant): """ >>> v_consonant = Consonant(Place.labio_dental, Manner.fricative, True, "v", False) >>> f_consonant = Consonant(Place.labio_dental, Manner.fricative, False, "f", False) >>> v_consonant.is_equal(f_consonant) False :param other_consonnant: :return: """ return ( == and self.manner == other_consonnant.manner and self.voiced == other_consonnant.voiced and self.geminate == other_consonnant.geminate )
# Vowels
[docs]class Height(AutoName): open = auto() near_open = auto() open_mid = auto() mid = auto() close_mid = auto() near_close = auto() close = auto()
[docs]class Backness(AutoName): front = auto() central = auto() back = auto()
[docs]class Length(AutoName): short = auto() long = auto() overlong = auto()
[docs]class AbstractVowel: """ Used with AbstractPosition to define an environment of a sound """ def __init__( self, height=None, backness=None, rounded=None, length=None, ipar=None ): if isinstance(height, Height) or height is None: self.height = height else: logger.error("Incorrect argument") raise ValueError if isinstance(backness, Backness) or backness is None: self.backness = backness else: logger.error("Incorrect argument") raise ValueError if type(rounded) == bool or rounded is None: self.rounded = rounded else: logger.error("Incorrect argument") raise TypeError if isinstance(length, Length) or length is None: self.length = length else: logger.error("Incorrect argument") raise ValueError self.ipar = ipar def __str__(self): return self.ipar
[docs]class Vowel(AbstractVowel): """ """ def __init__(self, height, backness, rounded, length, ipar): assert height is not None assert backness is not None assert rounded is not None assert length is not None assert ipar is not None AbstractVowel.__init__(self, height, backness, rounded, length, ipar)
[docs] def lengthen(self): """ :return: a new lengthened Vowel """ if self.length == Length.short: length = Length.long ipar = self.ipar + "ː" else: ipar = self.ipar length = Length.short return Vowel(self.height, self.backness, self.rounded, length, ipar)
[docs] def match(self, abstract_vowel): if isinstance(abstract_vowel, AbstractVowel): res = True if abstract_vowel.height is not None: res = res and abstract_vowel.height == self.height if abstract_vowel.backness is not None: res = res and abstract_vowel.backness == self.backness if abstract_vowel.rounded is not None: res = res and abstract_vowel.rounded == self.rounded if abstract_vowel.length is not None: res = res and abstract_vowel.length == self.length return res elif abstract_vowel is None: return True else: return False
[docs] def match_list(self, abstract_vowel_list): if type(abstract_vowel_list) == list: if len(abstract_vowel_list) == 0: return True else: res = False for av in abstract_vowel_list: if isinstance(av, AbstractVowel): res = self.match(av) or res return res else: return False
[docs] def to_abstract(self): return AbstractVowel( self.height, self.backness, self.rounded, self.length, self.ipar )
# def overlengthen(self): # self.length = "overlong"
[docs] def i_umlaut(self): pass
[docs] def u_umlaut(self): pass
def __str__(self): return self.ipar __repr__ = __str__
[docs] def is_equal(self, other_sound): """ :param other_sound: :return: """ return ( self.height == other_sound.height and self.backness == other_sound.backness and self.rounded == other_sound.rounded and self.length == other_sound.length )
def __add__(self, other): return Vowel( self.height, self.backness, self.rounded, self.length, self.ipar + other.ipar, )
[docs]class Rank(AutoName): first = auto() inner = auto() last = auto()
[docs]class AbstractPosition: """ This is a position (at the beginning, inside or at the end) that a rule can be applied at, a sound or a set of sounds before and a sound or a set of sounds after """ def __init__(self, position, before, after): assert isinstance(position, Rank) self.position = position # assert isinstance(before, AbstractConsonant) or isinstance(before, AbstractVowel) self.before = before # assert isinstance(after, AbstractConsonant) or isinstance(after, AbstractVowel) self.after = after def __eq__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, AbstractPosition) return ( self.position == other.position and self.before == other.before and self.after == other.after )
[docs] def same_place(self, other): assert isinstance(other, AbstractPosition) return self.position == other.position
def __add__(self, other): assert self.position == other.position if self.before is None and other.before: before = None elif self.before is None: before = other.before elif other.before is None: before = self.before else: before = [] before.extend(self.before) before.extend(other.before) if self.after is None and other.after is None: after = None elif self.after is None: after = other.after elif other.after is None: after = self.after else: after = [] after.extend(self.after) after.extend(other.after) return AbstractPosition(self.position, before, after)
[docs]class Position: """ This is a position (at the beginning, inside or at the end) of a an observed word, a sound before and a sound after """ def __init__(self, position, before, after): assert isinstance(position, Rank) self.position = position assert ( isinstance(before, Consonant) or isinstance(before, Vowel) or before is None ) self.before = before assert isinstance(after, Consonant) or isinstance(after, Vowel) or after is None self.after = after
[docs] def real_sound_match_abstract_sound(self, abstract_pos: AbstractPosition) -> bool: """ If an observed position :param abstract_pos: :return: """ assert isinstance(abstract_pos, AbstractPosition) if self.before is not None and self.after is not None: return ( self.position == abstract_pos.position and self.before.match_list(abstract_pos.before) and self.after.match_list(abstract_pos.after) ) elif self.before is None and self.after is None: return self.position == abstract_pos.position elif self.before is None: return self.position == abstract_pos.position and self.after.match_list( abstract_pos.after ) else: return self.position == abstract_pos.position and self.before.match_list( abstract_pos.before )
[docs]class Rule: """ A Rule is used to transform one sound to another according to its direct environment (the letter before and the letter after). If a rule is applicable, then it is applied. """ def __init__(self, position, temp_sound, estimated_sound): """ :param position: AbstractPosition :param temp_sound: Vowel or Consonant :param estimated_sound: Vowel or Consonant """ assert isinstance(position, AbstractPosition) self.position = position assert isinstance(temp_sound, Vowel) or isinstance(temp_sound, Consonant) self.temp_sound = temp_sound assert isinstance(estimated_sound, Vowel) or isinstance( estimated_sound, Consonant ) self.estimated_sound = estimated_sound
[docs] def can_apply(self, current_position: Position) -> bool: """ A Rule is applied if and only if a letter has a direct environment (the sound just before and the sound just after) which matches the environment of Rule :param current_position: :return: bool """ return current_position.real_sound_match_abstract_sound(self.position)
[docs] def ipa_to_regular_expression(self, phonology): """ :param phonology: list of Vowel or Consonant instances :return: pattern which can be the first argument of re.sub """ if self.position.position == Rank.first: re_before = r"^" elif self.position.before is None: re_before = r"" else: re_before = r"(?<=[" for phoneme in phonology: if phoneme.match_list(self.position.before): re_before += phoneme.ipar re_before += r"])" if self.position.position == Rank.last: re_after = r"$" elif self.position.after is None: re_after = r"" else: re_after = r"(?=[" for phoneme in phonology: if phoneme.match_list(self.position.after): re_after += phoneme.ipar re_after += "])" return re_before + self.temp_sound.ipar + re_after
[docs] @staticmethod def from_regular_expression(re_rule, estimated_sound, ipa_class): """ :param re_rule: pattern (first argument of re.sub) :param estimated_sound: an IPA character (second argument of re.sub) :param ipa_class: dict whose keys are IPA characters and values are Vowel or Consonant instances :return: corresponding Rule instance """ assert len(re_rule) > 0 if re_rule[0] == "^": place = Rank.first elif re_rule[-1] == "$": place = Rank.last else: place = Rank.inner before_pattern = r"(?<=\(\?\<\=\[)\w*" core_pattern = r"(?<=\))\w(?=\(\?\=)|(?<=\^)\w(?=\(\?\=)|(?<=\))\w(?=\$)" after_pattern = r"(?<=\(\?\=\[)\w*" before_search =, re_rule) core_search =, re_rule) after_search =, re_rule) if before_search is None: before = None else: before = [ipa_class[ipar].to_abstract() for ipar in] if core_search is not None: core = ipa_class[] else: logger.error("No core") raise ValueError if after_search is None: after = None else: after = [ipa_class[ipar].to_abstract() for ipar in] abstract_position = AbstractPosition(place, before, after) return Rule(abstract_position, core, ipa_class[estimated_sound])
def __add__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, Rule) assert self.position.same_place(other.position) assert self.temp_sound.ipar == other.temp_sound.ipar assert self.estimated_sound.ipar == other.estimated_sound.ipar position = self.position + other.position return Rule(position, self.temp_sound, self.estimated_sound)
[docs]class Transcriber: """ There are two steps to transcribe words: - firstly, a greedy approximation of the pronunciation of word - then, use of rules to precise pronunciation of a preprocessed list of transcribed words """ def __init__( self, diphthongs_ipa: dict, diphthongs_ipa_class: dict, ipa_class: dict, rules: list, ): """ :param diphthongs_ipa: dict whose keys are written diphthongs and and values IPA trasncription of them :param diphthongs_ipa_class: dict whose keys are written diphthongs and and values are Vowel instances :param ipa_class: dict whose keys are written characters and and values are Vowel or Consonant instances :param rules: list of Rule instances """ self.diphthongs_ipa = diphthongs_ipa self.diphthongs_ipa_class = diphthongs_ipa_class self.ipa_class = ipa_class self.rules = rules
[docs] def word_to_phonetic_representation(self, word, with_squared_brackets=True): """ :param word: normalized word :param with_squared_brackets: :return: """ phonemes = self.text_to_phonemes(word) phonetic_representation = self.phonemes_to_phonetic_representation(phonemes) if with_squared_brackets: return f"[{phonetic_representation}]" return phonetic_representation
[docs] def text_to_phonetic_representation( self, sentence: str, with_squared_brackets=True ) -> str: """ :param sentence: :param with_squared_brackets: :return: """ transliterated = [] sentence = sentence.lower() sentence = re.sub(r"[.\";,:\[\]()!&?‘]", "", sentence) for word in sentence.split(" "): transliterated.append(self.word_to_phonetic_representation(word, False)) if with_squared_brackets: return "[" + " ".join(transliterated) + "]" return " ".join(transliterated)
[docs] def text_to_phonemes(self, word: str) -> list: """ Give a greedy approximation of the pronunciation of word :param word: :return: """ phonemes = [] is_repeated = False if len(word) >= 2: for index in range(len(word) - 1): if is_repeated: is_repeated = False continue if word[index : index + 2] in self.diphthongs_ipa: # diphthongs phonemes.append( self.diphthongs_ipa_class[word[index] + word[index + 1]] ) is_repeated = True elif word[index] == word[index + 1]: phonemes.append(self.ipa_class[word[index]].lengthen()) is_repeated = True else: phonemes.append(self.ipa_class[word[index]]) if not is_repeated: phonemes.append(self.ipa_class[word[len(word) - 1]]) else: phonemes.append(self.ipa_class[word[0]]) return phonemes
[docs] def phonemes_to_phonetic_representation(self, phonemes: list) -> str: """ Use of rules to precise pronunciation of a preprocessed list of transcribed words :param phonemes: list(Vowel or Consonant) :return: str """ phonetic_representation = [] if len(phonemes) >= 2: for i in range(len(phonemes)): if i == 0: current_pos = Position(Rank.first, None, phonemes[i]) elif i < len(phonemes) - 1: current_pos = Position(Rank.inner, phonemes[i - 1], phonemes[i + 1]) else: current_pos = Position(Rank.last, phonemes[i - 1], None) found = False for rule in self.rules: if rule.temp_sound.ipar == phonemes[i].ipar: if rule.can_apply(current_pos): phonetic_representation.append(rule.estimated_sound.ipar) found = True break if not found: phonetic_representation.append(phonemes[i].ipar) else: phonetic_representation.append(phonemes[0].ipar) return "".join(phonetic_representation)
[docs]class BasePhonologicalRule: def __init__(self, condition, action): self.condition = condition self.action = action
[docs] def perform_action(self, phonemes, pos): return self.action(phonemes[pos])
def __call__(self, phonemes, pos): return self.perform_action(phonemes, pos)
[docs]class PhonologicalRule(BasePhonologicalRule):
[docs] def check_environment(self, phonemes, pos): before = phonemes[pos - 1] if pos > 0 else None after = phonemes[pos + 1] if pos < len(phonemes) - 1 else None return self.condition(before, phonemes[pos], after)
[docs]class WordInitialPhonologicalRule(BasePhonologicalRule):
[docs] def check_environment(self, phonemes, pos): return ( self.condition(phonemes[0], phonemes[1]) if pos == 0 and len(phonemes) > 1 else False )
[docs] def perform_action(self, phonemes, _): return self.action(phonemes[0])
[docs]class WordFinalPhonologicalRule(BasePhonologicalRule):
[docs] def check_environment(self, phonemes, pos): last = len(phonemes) - 1 return ( self.condition(phonemes[last - 1], phonemes[last]) if pos == last and len(phonemes) > 1 else False )
[docs] def perform_action(self, phonemes, _): return self.action(phonemes[len(phonemes) - 2])
[docs]class IPATranscriber: def __init__(self, digraphs: dict, dipthongs: dict, alphabet: dict, rules: list): self.digraphs = digraphs self.dipthongs = dipthongs self.alphabet = alphabet self.rules = rules
[docs] @staticmethod def tokenize(text): text = text.lower() text = re.sub(r"[.\";,:\[\]()!&?‘]", "", text) return text.split(" ")
[docs] def transcribe_word(self, word): phonemes = [self.alphabet[letter] for letter in word] for i in range(len(phonemes)): for rule in self.rules: if rule.check_environment(phonemes, i): phonemes[i] = rule(phonemes, i) return phonemes
[docs] def transcribe(self, text): return [self.transcribe_word(word) for word in self.tokenize(text)]