Source code for

"""Latin language syllabifier.
Parses a lat word or a space separated list of words into a list of syllables.
Consonantal I is transformed into a J at the start of a word as necessary.
Tuned for poetry and verse, this class is tolerant of isolated single character consonants that
may appear due to elision."""

import copy
import logging
import re

import as string_utils
from import ScansionConstants

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__author__ = ["Todd Cook <>"]
__license__ = "MIT License"

[docs]class Syllabifier: """Scansion constants can be modified and passed into the constructor if desired.""" def __init__(self, constants=ScansionConstants()): self.constants = constants self.consonant_matcher = re.compile("[{}]".format(constants.CONSONANTS)) self.vowel_matcher = re.compile( "[{}]".format(constants.VOWELS + constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS) ) self.consonantal_i_matcher = re.compile( r"\b[iIīĪ][{}]".format(constants.VOWELS + constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS) ) self.remove_punct_map = string_utils.remove_punctuation_dict() self.kw_matcher = re.compile("[kK][w]") self.ACCEPTABLE_CHARS = ( constants.ACCENTED_VOWELS + constants.VOWELS + " " + constants.CONSONANTS ) self.diphthongs = [ d for d in constants.DIPTHONGS if d not in ["ui", "Ui", "uī"] ]
[docs] def syllabify(self, words: str) -> list[str]: """ Parse a Latin word into a list of syllable strings. :param words: a string containing one lat word or many words separated by spaces. :return: list of string, each representing a syllable. >>> syllabifier = Syllabifier() >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("fuit")) ['fu', 'it'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("libri")) ['li', 'bri'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("contra")) ['con', 'tra'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("iaculum")) ['ja', 'cu', 'lum'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("amo")) ['a', 'mo'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("bracchia")) ['brac', 'chi', 'a'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("deinde")) ['dein', 'de'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("certabant")) ['cer', 'ta', 'bant'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("aere")) ['ae', 're'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("adiungere")) ['ad', 'jun', 'ge', 're'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("mōns")) ['mōns'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("domus")) ['do', 'mus'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("lixa")) ['li', 'xa'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("asper")) ['as', 'per'] >>> # handle doubles >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("siccus")) ['sic', 'cus'] >>> # handle liquid + liquid >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("almus")) ['al', 'mus'] >>> # handle liquid + mute >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("ambo")) ['am', 'bo'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("anguis")) ['an', 'guis'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("arbor")) ['ar', 'bor'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("pulcher")) ['pul', 'cher'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("ruptus")) ['ru', 'ptus'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("Bīthÿnus")) ['Bī', 'thÿ', 'nus'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("sanguen")) ['san', 'guen'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("unguentum")) ['un', 'guen', 'tum'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("lingua")) ['lin', 'gua'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("linguā")) ['lin', 'guā'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("languidus")) ['lan', 'gui', 'dus'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("suis")) ['su', 'is'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("habui")) ['ha', 'bu', 'i'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("habuit")) ['ha', 'bu', 'it'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("qui")) ['qui'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("quibus")) ['qui', 'bus'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("hui")) ['hui'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("cui")) ['cui'] >>> print(syllabifier.syllabify("huic")) ['huic'] """ cleaned = words.translate(self.remove_punct_map) cleaned = cleaned.replace("qu", "kw") cleaned = cleaned.replace("Qu", "Kw") cleaned = cleaned.replace("gua", "gwa") cleaned = cleaned.replace("Gua", "Gwa") cleaned = cleaned.replace("gue", "gwe") cleaned = cleaned.replace("Gue", "Gwe") cleaned = cleaned.replace("gui", "gwi") cleaned = cleaned.replace("Gui", "Gwi") cleaned = cleaned.replace("guo", "gwo") cleaned = cleaned.replace("Guo", "Gwo") cleaned = cleaned.replace("guu", "gwu") cleaned = cleaned.replace("Guu", "Gwu") cleaned = cleaned.replace("guā", "gwā") cleaned = cleaned.replace("Guā", "Gwā") cleaned = cleaned.replace("guē", "gwē") cleaned = cleaned.replace("Guē", "Gwē") cleaned = cleaned.replace("guī", "gwī") cleaned = cleaned.replace("Guī", "Gwī") cleaned = cleaned.replace("guō", "gwō") cleaned = cleaned.replace("Guō", "Gwō") cleaned = cleaned.replace("guū", "gwū") cleaned = cleaned.replace("Guū", "Gwū") items = cleaned.strip().split(" ") for char in cleaned: if not char in self.ACCEPTABLE_CHARS: LOG.error("Unsupported character found in %s " % cleaned) return items syllables: list = [] for item in items: syllables += self._setup(item) for idx, syl in enumerate(syllables): if "kw" in syl: syl = syl.replace("kw", "qu") syllables[idx] = syl if "Kw" in syl: syl = syl.replace("Kw", "Qu") syllables[idx] = syl if "gw" in syl: syl = syl.replace("gw", "gu") syllables[idx] = syl if "Gw" in syl: syl = syl.replace("Gw", "Gu") syllables[idx] = syl return string_utils.remove_blank_spaces(syllables)
[docs] def _setup(self, word) -> list[str]: """ Prepares a word for syllable processing. If the word starts with a prefix, process it separately. :param word: :return: """ if len(word) == 1: return [word] for prefix in self.constants.PREFIXES: if word.startswith(prefix): (first, rest) = string_utils.split_on(word, prefix) if self._contains_vowels(rest): return string_utils.remove_blank_spaces( self._process(first) + self._process(rest) ) # a word like pror can happen from ellision return string_utils.remove_blank_spaces(self._process(word)) if word in self.constants.UI_EXCEPTIONS.keys(): return self.constants.UI_EXCEPTIONS[word] return string_utils.remove_blank_spaces(self._process(word))
[docs] def convert_consonantal_i(self, word) -> str: """Convert i to j when at the start of a word.""" match = list(self.consonantal_i_matcher.finditer(word)) if match: if word[0].isupper(): return "J" + word[1:] return "j" + word[1:] return word
[docs] def _process(self, word: str) -> list[str]: """ Process a word into a list of strings representing the syllables of the word. This method describes rules for consonant grouping behaviors and then iteratively applies those rules the list of letters that comprise the word, until all the letters are grouped into appropriate syllable groups. :param word: :return: """ # if a blank arrives from splitting, just return an empty list if len(word.strip()) == 0: return [] word = self.convert_consonantal_i(word) my_word = " " + word + " " letters = list(my_word) positions = [] for dipth in self.diphthongs: if dipth in my_word: dipth_matcher = re.compile("{}".format(dipth)) matches = dipth_matcher.finditer(my_word) for match in matches: (start, end) = match.span() positions.append(start) matches = self.kw_matcher.finditer(my_word) for match in matches: (start, end) = match.span() positions.append(start) letters = string_utils.merge_next(letters, positions) letters = string_utils.remove_blanks(letters) positions.clear() if not self._contains_vowels("".join(letters)): return [ "".join(letters).strip() ] # occurs when only 'qu' appears by ellision positions = self._starting_consonants_only(letters) while len(positions) > 0: letters = string_utils.move_consonant_right(letters, positions) letters = string_utils.remove_blanks(letters) positions = self._starting_consonants_only(letters) positions = self._ending_consonants_only(letters) while len(positions) > 0: letters = string_utils.move_consonant_left(letters, positions) letters = string_utils.remove_blanks(letters) positions = self._ending_consonants_only(letters) positions = self._find_solo_consonant(letters) while len(positions) > 0: letters = self._move_consonant(letters, positions) letters = string_utils.remove_blanks(letters) positions = self._find_solo_consonant(letters) positions = self._find_consonant_cluster(letters) while len(positions) > 0: letters = self._move_consonant(letters, positions) letters = string_utils.remove_blanks(letters) positions = self._find_consonant_cluster(letters) return letters
[docs] def _contains_consonants(self, letter_group: str) -> bool: """Check if a string contains consonants.""" return is not None
[docs] def _contains_vowels(self, letter_group: str) -> bool: """Check if a string contains vowels.""" return is not None
[docs] def _ends_with_vowel(self, letter_group: str) -> bool: """Check if a string ends with a vowel.""" if len(letter_group) == 0: return False return self._contains_vowels(letter_group[-1])
[docs] def _starts_with_vowel(self, letter_group: str) -> bool: """Check if a string starts with a vowel.""" if len(letter_group) == 0: return False return self._contains_vowels(letter_group[0])
[docs] def _starting_consonants_only(self, letters: list) -> list: """Return a list of starting consonant positions.""" for idx, letter in enumerate(letters): if not self._contains_vowels(letter) and self._contains_consonants(letter): return [idx] if self._contains_vowels(letter): return [] if self._contains_vowels(letter) and self._contains_consonants(letter): return [] return []
[docs] def _ending_consonants_only(self, letters: list[str]) -> list[int]: """Return a list of positions for ending consonants.""" reversed_letters = list(reversed(letters)) length = len(letters) for idx, letter in enumerate(reversed_letters): if not self._contains_vowels(letter) and self._contains_consonants(letter): return [(length - idx) - 1] if self._contains_vowels(letter): return [] if self._contains_vowels(letter) and self._contains_consonants(letter): return [] return []
[docs] def _find_solo_consonant(self, letters: list[str]) -> list[int]: """Find the positions of any solo consonants that are not yet paired with a vowel.""" solos = [] for idx, letter in enumerate(letters): if len(letter) == 1 and self._contains_consonants(letter): solos.append(idx) return solos
[docs] def _find_consonant_cluster(self, letters: list[str]) -> list[int]: """ Find clusters of consonants that do not contain a vowel. :param letters: :return: """ for idx, letter_group in enumerate(letters): if self._contains_consonants(letter_group) and not self._contains_vowels( letter_group ): return [idx] return []
[docs] def _move_consonant(self, letters: list, positions: list[int]) -> list[str]: """ Given a list of consonant positions, move the consonants according to certain consonant syllable behavioral rules for gathering and grouping. :param letters: :param positions: :return: """ for pos in positions: previous_letter = letters[pos - 1] consonant = letters[pos] next_letter = letters[pos + 1] if self._contains_vowels(next_letter) and self._starts_with_vowel( next_letter ): return string_utils.move_consonant_right(letters, [pos]) if ( self._contains_vowels(previous_letter) and self._ends_with_vowel(previous_letter) and len(previous_letter) == 1 ): return string_utils.move_consonant_left(letters, [pos]) if previous_letter + consonant in self.constants.ASPIRATES: return string_utils.move_consonant_left(letters, [pos]) if consonant + next_letter in self.constants.ASPIRATES: return string_utils.move_consonant_right(letters, [pos]) if next_letter[0] == consonant: return string_utils.move_consonant_left(letters, [pos]) if ( consonant in self.constants.MUTES and next_letter[0] in self.constants.LIQUIDS ): return string_utils.move_consonant_right(letters, [pos]) if consonant in ["k", "K"] and next_letter[0] in ["w", "W"]: return string_utils.move_consonant_right(letters, [pos]) if self._contains_consonants(next_letter[0]) and self._starts_with_vowel( previous_letter[-1] ): return string_utils.move_consonant_left(letters, [pos]) # fall through case if self._contains_consonants(next_letter[0]): return string_utils.move_consonant_right(letters, [pos]) return letters
[docs] def get_syllable_count(self, syllables: list[str]) -> int: """ Counts the number of syllable groups that would occur after ellision. Often we will want preserve the position and separation of syllables so that they can be used to reconstitute a line, and apply stresses to the original word positions. However, we also want to be able to count the number of syllables accurately. :param syllables: :return: >>> syllabifier = Syllabifier() >>> print(syllabifier.get_syllable_count([ ... 'Jām', 'tūm', 'c', 'au', 'sus', 'es', 'u', 'nus', 'I', 'ta', 'lo', 'rum'])) 11 """ tmp_syllables = copy.copy(syllables) return len( string_utils.remove_blank_spaces( string_utils.move_consonant_right( tmp_syllables, self._find_solo_consonant(tmp_syllables) ) ) )